7 least powerful passports with visa-free access to less than 50 countries
In a world where travel has become increasingly accessible, passport power plays a significant role in determining one’s mobility across borders. While some passports grant their holders visa-free access to a lot of countries, others face significant restrictions and barriers. Among the latter, the passports offering access to less than 50 countries stand out for their limited global mobility. If you are curious by now, here are some of the least powerful passports in terms of visa-free access, each granting its holders access to fewer than 50 countries without a visa.

Afghanistan – 28 countries
Topping the list is the Afghan passport, which provides visa-free access to a mere 28 countries. Afghanistan’s turbulent history and ongoing conflicts have contributed to its passport’s limited global reach, making international travel a challenging endeavor for its citizens.

Syria – 29 countries
With visa-free access to only 29 countries, the Syrian passport ranks among the least powerful in the world. The country’s prolonged civil war and political instability have led to widespread travel restrictions for its citizens, severely limiting their mobility on the global stage.

Iraq – 31 countries
The Iraqi passport offers entry to 31 countries without a visa, reflecting the challenges faced by its citizens in international travel. Despite efforts to rebuild the nation following years of conflict, Iraq’s passport remains one of the least powerful globally, imposing significant limitations on its holders.

Pakistan – 34 countries
Pakistan’s passport grants visa-free access to 34 countries, placing it among the least powerful passports in terms of global mobility. Despite its strategic geopolitical significance, Pakistan faces diplomatic challenges that restrict its citizens’ ability to travel freely.

Yemen – 35 countries
The Yemeni passport provides entry to 35 countries without a visa, reflecting the country’s ongoing political instability and humanitarian crises. Limited visa-free access poses significant challenges for Yemeni citizens seeking to travel abroad for education, employment, or leisure.

Somalia – 36 countries
Somalia’s passport ranks among the least powerful, offering visa-free access to only 36 countries. Political unrest, terrorism, and piracy have contributed to Somalia’s international isolation, imposing severe restrictions on its citizens’ ability to travel freely.

Nepal – 40 countries
Closing the list is Nepal, whose passport grants visa-free access to 40 countries. While Nepal boasts stunning natural beauty and cultural heritage, its citizens face challenges in international travel due to visa restrictions imposed by many countries.
Originally Published at TIMESOFINDIA